Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS covers 100 million people through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Health Insurance Marketplace. But coverage isn't our only goal.


Training, Education, and Consulting

The Center staff are available to answer questions and provide insight and information to help you. If we can’t answer your questions, we will connect you with someone who can. For more information visit:

Contact Center for Self-Determination

Free CSD Guidebooks

  • Person Centered/Directed Planning
  • Individual Allocations and Personal Budgets
CSD Guidebooks

Tom Nerney


Tom Nerney

Tom Nerney was a brilliant visionary and pioneer. He was an educator, an advocate, a fighter who wasn’t afraid to challenge authority. He fought for civil rights, inclusion, and self-determination. Tom saw the inhumanity of people not having choice or control over their lives. He was out on the front lines pushing for the closure of state-run institutions. His contributions to the field of disability are too numerous to count but his efforts made a lasting impression on the thousands of lives he touched.

He moved forward the principles of Self-determination, Freedom, Authority, Support, Responsibility and Confirmation. His life was dedicated to seeing people with disabilities have control over their resources, have a home to call their own, intimate relationships, meaningful employment, the same things we all want out of life. He advocated, educated and helped set public policy that would someday put an end to the impoverishment of people with disabilities.

He will be greatly missed by many who are forever grateful for his tenacity, his vision and his leadership.

Affirmation of Community

"We must never forget that our goal is to be able to walk & wheel together as equals, to dine together as equals, to work together as equals and most importantly to love each other as equals"

Tom Nerney

The Center for Self-Determination can help you!

The Center for Self-Determination can help you!

The Center can custom design training sessions that will meet the unique needs of the region or system that you work or live in. Trainers and consultants travel nationally and internationally and are ready to meet the needs of your project in your region!

Learn More

When you become more familiar with Self-Determination and how you control your life, you begin to understand that you should also be controlling your money. If you need help, there are resources available to help you. The National Center for Participant-Directed Services put together this short video about how to manage your budget.